Stall is a term used in aviation and aerodynamics that indicates the separation of air flow from the wing extradorate, resulting in total loss of support. An aircraft in a stall situation is not flying but falling. This is because the air takes off from the wing (stops passing over the extrados in order to generate a depression and form a support vector). In the stall the transition point (wing zone where the air takes off from the wing and shape turbulence) will always be in the anterior part of the support vector that is situated on the rope and the pressure center.
domingo, 28 de abril de 2019
5ª semana
A quinta semana iniciou-se com a mudança de horários das reuniões para às 13:00. Foram feitas três subdivisões dentro da equipe estrutural para otimizar as pesquisas, sendo elas Gustavo Lopes com revestimentos, Matheus caldas com madeiras e Felipe Augusto com a parte de polímeros. A equipe de aerodinâmica está aperfeiçoando os cálculos, com base nas dicas de nosso orientador e coordenador de curso Dr Guilherme Souza.
The fifth week began with the change of meeting times to 13:00. Three subdivisions were made within the structural team to optimize the surveys, being Gustavo Lopes with coatings, Matheus caldas with wood and Felipe Augusto with the part of polymers. The aerodynamics team is perfecting the calculations, based on the tips of our Guidance and Course Coordinator Dr Guilherme Souza.
domingo, 21 de abril de 2019
The technical term for this week : Lift
Being a component of the resulting aerodynamic perpendicular to the wind, the support is a force between the inside and outside of the airfoil body, tending to push it upwards, being a counter force to force weight, aided still by the reaction of the air (Newton's third Law) at the bottom of it. It ends up dividing itself into two components: drag force and lift force, and thanks to these forces ends up occurring the flight.
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4ª Semana
Na nossa segunda reunião semanal das quartas, foi discutidos diferentes perfomances do formato da asa e das nervuras, juntamente observando através de pesquisas o desempenho das mesmas em relação a aerodinâmica. Foi definido na reunião uma divisão da equipe em dois temas: aerodinâmica (composta por Caio Gonzaga, João Maciel, Pedro Gabriel e Rodrigo Teixeira) e estrutural (Felipe Augusto, Gustavo Lopes e Matheus Caldas), sendo a primeira equipe responsável por cálculos aerodinâmicos, definição de dimensões e pesquisa de forças físicas relacionadas à asa, já a segunda equipe foca em materiais a serem utilizados e seus benefícios e pesquisa da melhor estrutura no quesito resistência-leveza . Feito essa reunião foi definido o uso da nervura de modelo Naca 6412 e um formato trapezoidal para asa, e assim foi feita uma primeira versão da asa no programa de modelação SolidWork.
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Fonte: Própria |
In our second weekly meeting of the Wednesdays, different wing and rib shape performances were discussed together, observing through research the performance of the same in relation to aerodynamics. It was defined in the meeting a division of the team in two themes: aerodynamics (composed by Caio Gonzaga, João Maciel, Pedro Gabriel and Rodrigo Teixeira) and structural (Felipe Augusto, Gustavo Lopes and Matheus Caldas), being the first team responsible for aerodynamic calculations, definition of dimensions and search of physical forces related to the wing, the second team focuses on materials to be used and their benefits and research of the best structure in the resistance-lightness aspect. This meeting defined the use of the Naca 6412 rib and a trapezoidal wing shape, and thus a first version of the wing was made in the SolidWork modeling program.
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Source: Own |
sexta-feira, 12 de abril de 2019
3ª Semana
Nessa terceira semana do projeto integrador, a equipe Eagles Aerodynamics definiu que a reunião será toda quarta-feira entre às 11:30 horas e 14:00 horas, na biblioteca do Senai Cimatec, para discutir sobre o projeto e trazer novas ideias. Nessa semana o tópico discutido foi: quais tipos de nervuras se adequava aos nossos pensamentos iniciais; quais materias seriam viáveis; qual seria o formato da asa; entre outras ideias.
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Fonte: Própria |
In the third week of the project integrator, the group Eagles Aerodynamics has defined that the meeting will be every Wednesday between 11:30 a.m. and 02:00 p.m., in the library of the Senai Cimatec, to discuss the project and bring in new ideas. This week the topic discussed was: What types of ribs is suited to our initial thoughts; What matters would be viable; What would be the format of the Asa; among other ideas.
The technical term for this week : Ribs
The ribs are a essential parts in the assembly of the wing of a glider, they are structural elements installed in the direction of the rope and used to define the aerodynamic profile of the wing. They were of various types as the Clark Y and Avistar that are for slower winds, as well Epller winds a little turbulent and make the movement of wave, among other types of ribs.
Examples of ribs:
quinta-feira, 4 de abril de 2019
The technical term for this week : Aerodynamics
This term represents the study of the air movement, particularly as interaction with a solid object, like an airplane wing. Recent work in aerodynamics has focused on issues related to compressible flow, turbulence and boundary layers and has become increasingly computational in nature. The flight forces in an aerodynamic profile is: support, drag, weight and buoyancy.
2ª Semana
1ª Reunião dos Eagles Aerodynamics
No dia 04 /04 foi realizada a primeira reunião da equipe Eagles Aerodynamics, para que fossem decididos o nome, o plano de trabalho e dar início nas discussões e análise de disponibilidades do grupo para as realizações das reuniões, além do questionamento de qual será o modelo de asa utilizado para confecção do nosso planador.
1St Meeting of the Eagles Aerodynamics
On 04 /04 was carried out the first meeting the grup Eagles Aerodynamics, to be decided the name and the work plan. Also started the discussions and analyzes of the group's availability to hold meetings, beyond the question of what will be the wings model will be used in the confection of our glider.
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