sábado, 15 de junho de 2019

The technical term for this week is: Pressure

Termo: Pressão

É um termo da física que se refere sobre uma certa força aplicada sobre uma determinada área, no caso do planador ela é responsável por manter o aeromodelo em constante movimento aerodinâmico de planeio, resistindo a queda e alcançando uma certa distância.

Imagem relacionada

Term: Pressure

 It is a term of physics that refers to a certain force applied on a certain area, in the case of the glider it is responsible for keeping the model airplane in constant aerodynamic movement of plane, resisting the fall and reaching a certain distance.

11º semana

Essa semana foi finalmente realizada a prova de planeio da equipe que obteve um resultado insatisfatório devido a diversos fatores, sendo o principal o corte de custos para construção do protótipo, levando ao aeromodelo ser feito com materiais mais baratos e com menor eficiência, na prova de planeio, realizada no dia 15 de junho de 2019, o aeromodelo conseguiu alcançar as distancias de aproximadamente: 18 m, 13,9 m e 8,9 m. A prova consistia em 10 lançamentos do topo do prédio do CIMATEC 4 (11 metros de altura), os 3 melhores lançamentos receberiam um média e de acordo com os valores definiríamos a razão de planeio, infelizmente a equipe não alcançou os seus objetivos e obteve um planeio <1:3. Apesar dos resultados baixos, o planador se mostrou muito resistente sendo necessário apenas pequenos reparos durante cada lançamento. A seguir alguns vídeos dos melhores lançamentos da equipe:

This week was finally accomplished the result team's glide test due to factors, the main one being the cost cut for the construction of the prototype, leading to the model airplane being made with cheaper materials and with less efficiency, in the airplane test, carried out on June 15, 2019, the model was able to reach distances of approximately: 18 m, 13.9 m and 8.9 m. The test consisted of 10 launches of the CIMATEC 4 building (11 meters high), the first 3 entries received in an average and according to the values would configure a glide ratio, but a team did not reach its objectives and 1 < 3. Most movies are made up of a glider, a glider, or a napkin for each launch. Here are some videos of the team's best new releases:

domingo, 9 de junho de 2019

The technical term for this week:Centre of gravity

Centre of gravity is when the total weight of the body may be thought to be concentrated, this is as if the object behave as if the whole body weight was concentrated on him. The concept is sometimes useful in predicting the behaviour of a moving body when it is acted on by gravity.
Many people confudem the center of gravity with the center of mass, because they think that they are the same thing and this is a mistake because the center of mass is the point where we can assume that all the mass of a body is concentrated and that all external forces acting at this point since the center of gravity represents the point where the weight of the body act.And to show the difference and I'll show you an example  the Moon’s centre of mass is very close to its geometric centre (it is not exact because the Moon is not a perfect uniform sphere), but its centre of gravity is slightly displaced toward Earth because of the stronger gravitational force on the Moon’s near side.

10ª semana

   Na décima semana o foco do grupo foi nas compras de novos matérias, nas construções dos componentes e na montagem do planador final para a avaliação do teste de voo. Para as compras dos matérias foi necessário discutir os principais erros do primeiro planador, sendo eles; a resistência a tração e torção do planador, seu peso, entre outros fatores que desfavoreceram o planeio do primeiro planador, com isso em mente o grupo decidiu trocar a madeira para pinus flexíveis por ser mais resistente e colocar um corpo de polímero rígido que foi o PVC. A dificuldade nas construções dos componentes no primeiro planador foi principalmente na hora do corte, logo o grupo se reuniu e decidiu fazer corte a lazer na madeira para facilitar o processo, como mostra a figura abaixo:
Fonte: Própria

  Com o corte a lazer da madeira foi mais fácil a montagem o grupo se reuniu durante toda a semana para sua montagem, como mostra a figura abaixo:
Fonte: Própria
Fonte: Própria

   In the tenth week the group's focus was on purchases of new materials, the constructions of the components and in assembling the glider for final evaluation of the flight test. For purchases of materials was necessary to discuss the main mistakes of the first glider, being them; resistance to traction and torsion of the glider, its weight, among other factors that desfavoreceram the plan of the first glider, with this in mind the group decided to change the wood for pinus flexible to be more resistant and put a body of rigid polymer that was the PVC. The difficulty in the constructions of the components in the first glider was mainly at the time of cutting, soon the group met and decided to cut the leisure activities in the wood to facilitate the process, as shown in the figure below:
Source: Own

   With the cut the pleasure of Madeira was easier to assemble the group met throughout the week for your assembly, as shown in the figure below:
Source: Own
Source: Own

sábado, 1 de junho de 2019

The technical term for this week: fuselage


The fuselage is the protection layer that conects the wings and the empannage and, in the normal airplane, is the part that allocates the passengers. But in the glider we only use the fuselage only to conect, because of that we need to chose a fuselage that is good in the aerodynamics.

sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2019

9ª semana

No dia 31/05 foi feito o primeiro teste de lançamento, com a asa do primeiro entregável. O teste foi feito do solo pelo fato de que o acesso até o ultimo andar do CIMATEC 4 estava bloqueado. Após o teste percebemos diversas mudanças a serem feitas no produção do nosso planador, até mudanças quanto aos materiais utilizados. Mesmo esse sendo somente um planador de teste ajudou na evolução do conhecimento da equipe quanto a construção do aeromodelo. Segue abaixo um vídeo de um dos lançamentos feitos pela equipe.

On 05/31 the the grup did  the first test launch, with a wing of the first deliverable. The test was in the ground because the access to the CIMATEC 4 was blocked. After the test, we realized a lot of changes to be made in our production of our glider, until material changes used. Even this being only a test glider, helped in the evolution of grup's knowledge regarding the construction of the model airplane. Below is a video of one of the releases made by the grup.

sábado, 25 de maio de 2019

The technical term for this week: empennage

The empennage is a structure of the airplane consisting of the fuselage end part and the vertical stabilizers (steering rudder that guides the aircraft to the left or right), and horizontal (up or down movement controller). The joint composed by the fuselage of an aircraft comprises the wings and the empenagem. The empennage is the part located in the rear region being responsible for the longitudinal and directional stability of the airplane.

It is composed by the elevators, responsible for the pitching movements, which are to go up (to climb) and to prick (down) and the rudder responsible for the yaw movements that are swerved to the right and turned to the left.
Imagem relacionada
source: https://slideplayer.com.br/slide/1265377/

8ª semana

A oitava semana da equipe teve a construção do primeiro protótipo do planador. Utilizamos isopor cortado e lixado, o mais próximo possível do perfil, para preencher o espaço entre as nervuras das bordas de ataque e de fuga da asa e da empenagem, porque deste modo não perderíamos tanto perfil aerodinâmico e o revestimento com vinil seria feito de forma mais fácil e rápida.
Fonte: própria

Fonte: própria

Fonte: própria
Após feito o preenchimento, foi iniciada a etapa de revestimento com o vinil, e o esboço de um corpo para fixação da asa e da empenagem. Utilizamos um tubo de papelão como corpo, e isopor lixado de forma esférica como bico. A fixação foi feita com cola e durepoxi.
Fonte: própria

The eighth week of the team had the construction of the first prototype of the glider. We use cut and sanded Styrofoam as close as possible to the profile to fill the space between the leading and trailing edges of the wing and empennage because this would not lose so much aerodynamic profile and the vinyl coating would be made in a way easier and faster. After filling, the coating step with the vinyl was started, and the sketch of a body for fixing the wing and empennage. We use a cardboard tube as a body, and styrofoam sanded as a beak. Fixation was done with glue and durepoxy.

domingo, 12 de maio de 2019

The technical term for this week: truss

  Truss is a term used in structural engineering that uses triangular shapes and knots (triangle vertex) to make the structure more stable, in addition to being lighter structures they are made so that all force on the lattice is placed on top of these nodes so eliminating bending and twisting efforts.
Source: repositorio.roca.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/bitstream/1/7341/1/PB_DAMEC_2016_2_29.pdf

Source: br.pinterest.com/pin/296111744230072285/?lp=true

7ª semana

  Na sétima semana começamos a estudar como fazer a fuselagem da forma mais estável e resistente possível contudo sem acrescentar demasiado peso ao planador, partindo disso iniciamos a pesquisa por materiais resistentes e leves para serem colocados no projeto e estudamos a possibilidades de colocar treliças para assim manter o planador leve e resistente.

  In the seventh week we began to study how to make the fuselage in the most stable and resistant way possible without adding too much weight to the glider, starting from that we started the search for resistant and light materials to be placed in the project and we studied the possibilities of placing trusses in order to maintain the light and tough glider.

domingo, 5 de maio de 2019

The technical term for this week: Drag

   Drag is a mechanical force acting opposite to the relative motion of any object moving with respect to a surrounding fluid.The drag which is responsable for the redution of the object's speed can exist between two fluid layers (or surfaces) or a fluid and a solid surface, the drag is generated by the diference of presure, which, in the case of an airplane, is generated by the diference in the velocity between the fluid and the solid object. Unlike other resistive forces, such as dry friction, which are nearly independent of velocity, drag forces depend on velocity. Drag force is proportional to the velocity for a laminar flow and the squared velocity for a turbulent flow. Even though the ultimate cause of a drag is viscous friction, the turbulent drag is independent of viscosity. The drag is a mechanical force that is generated by the diference of presure, which, in the case of an airplane, is generated by the diference in the velocity between the fluid and the solid object.


6ª semana

A sexta semana se iniciou com o recebimento da medeira balsa, material que seria utilizado para a construção da estrutura da asa da primeira entrega. Por conta de um engano na avaliação das dimensões do material, foi visto q n seria possível construir a asa com as dimensões planejadas anteriormente, por conta disso elas foram reduzidas pela metade. A equipe iniciou a construção da asa na quinta-feira pela manhã e devida a experiencia de construção com a madeira balsa, foi percebido que ela poderia ser mais frágil do que a equipe imaginou. Por conta disso, a equipe fez algumas pesquisas e decidiu que as longarinas, que sofreriam maior esforço de flexão deveriam ser feito de outro material. Por fim, após a construção estar finalizada a asa foi pesada no laboratório de física. foi obtido um peso de 83,80g.
Fonte: Própria
The sixth week began with the receipt of balsa wood, material that would be used for the construction of the wing structure of the first delivery. Due to a mistake in the evaluation of the dimensions of the material, it was seen that it was not possible to construct the wing with the dimensions previously planned, because of this they were reduced by half. The team started building the wing on Thursday morning and due to the experience of building with the raft wood, it was realized that it could be more fragile than the team imagined. Because of this, the team did some research and decided that the stringers, which would undergo more flexing effort, should be made of other material. Finally, after the construction was finished, the wing was weighed in the physics laboratory. a weight of 83.80 g was obtained.
Source: Own

domingo, 28 de abril de 2019

The technical term for this week: stall

  Stall is a term used in aviation and aerodynamics that indicates the separation of air flow from the wing extradorate, resulting in total loss of support. An aircraft in a stall situation is not flying but falling. This is because the air takes off from the wing (stops passing over the extrados in order to generate a depression and form a support vector). In the stall the transition point (wing zone where the air takes off from the wing and shape turbulence) will always be in the anterior part of the support vector that is situated on the rope and the pressure center.

5ª semana

  A quinta semana iniciou-se com a mudança de horários das reuniões para às 13:00. Foram feitas três subdivisões dentro da equipe estrutural para otimizar as pesquisas, sendo elas Gustavo Lopes com revestimentos, Matheus caldas com madeiras e Felipe Augusto com a parte de polímeros. A equipe de aerodinâmica está aperfeiçoando os cálculos, com base nas dicas de nosso orientador e coordenador de curso Dr Guilherme Souza.

  The fifth week began with the change of meeting times to 13:00.  Three subdivisions were made within the structural team to optimize the surveys, being Gustavo Lopes with coatings, Matheus caldas with wood and Felipe Augusto with the part of polymers.  The aerodynamics team is perfecting the calculations, based on the tips of our Guidance and Course Coordinator Dr Guilherme Souza.

domingo, 21 de abril de 2019

The technical term for this week : Lift

Being a component of the resulting aerodynamic perpendicular to the wind, the support is a force between the inside and outside of the airfoil body, tending to push it upwards, being a counter force to force weight, aided still by the reaction of the air (Newton's third Law) at the bottom of it. It ends up dividing itself into two components: drag force and lift force, and thanks to these forces ends up occurring the flight.
Source: aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/39340/why-the-dynamic-pressure-is-not-mentioned-in-the-explanation-of-lift-by-bernoull

4ª Semana

   Na nossa segunda reunião semanal das quartas, foi discutidos diferentes perfomances do formato da asa e das nervuras, juntamente observando através de pesquisas o desempenho das mesmas em relação a aerodinâmica. Foi definido na reunião uma divisão da equipe em dois temas: aerodinâmica (composta por Caio Gonzaga, João Maciel, Pedro Gabriel e Rodrigo Teixeira) e estrutural (Felipe Augusto, Gustavo Lopes e Matheus Caldas), sendo a primeira equipe responsável por cálculos aerodinâmicos, definição de dimensões e pesquisa de forças físicas relacionadas à asa, já a segunda equipe foca em materiais a serem utilizados e seus benefícios e pesquisa da melhor estrutura no quesito resistência-leveza . Feito essa reunião foi definido o uso da nervura de modelo Naca 6412 e um formato trapezoidal para asa, e assim foi feita uma primeira versão da asa no programa de modelação SolidWork.
Fonte: Própria

   In our second weekly meeting of the Wednesdays, different wing and rib shape performances were discussed together, observing through research the performance of the same in relation to aerodynamics. It was defined in the meeting a division of the team in two themes: aerodynamics (composed by Caio Gonzaga, João Maciel, Pedro Gabriel and Rodrigo Teixeira) and structural (Felipe Augusto, Gustavo Lopes and Matheus Caldas), being the first team responsible for aerodynamic calculations, definition of dimensions and search of physical forces related to the wing, the second team focuses on materials to be used and their benefits and research of the best structure in the resistance-lightness aspect. This meeting defined the use of the Naca 6412 rib and a trapezoidal wing shape, and thus a first version of the wing was made in the SolidWork modeling program.
Source: Own

sexta-feira, 12 de abril de 2019

3ª Semana

   Nessa terceira semana do projeto integrador, a equipe Eagles Aerodynamics definiu que a reunião será toda quarta-feira entre às 11:30 horas e 14:00 horas, na biblioteca do Senai Cimatec, para discutir sobre o projeto e trazer novas ideias. Nessa semana o tópico discutido foi: quais tipos de nervuras se adequava aos nossos pensamentos iniciais; quais materias seriam viáveis; qual seria o formato da asa; entre outras ideias. 
Fonte: Própria

   In the third week of the project integrator, the group Eagles Aerodynamics has defined that the meeting will be every Wednesday between 11:30 a.m. and 02:00 p.m., in the library of the Senai Cimatec, to discuss the project and bring in new ideas. This week the topic discussed was: What types of ribs is suited to our initial thoughts; What matters would be viable; What would be the format of the Asa; among other ideas.
Source: Own

The technical term for this week : Ribs

    The ribs are a essential parts in the assembly of the wing of a glider, they are structural elements installed in the direction of the rope and used to define the aerodynamic profile of the wing. They were of various types as the Clark Y and Avistar that are for slower winds, as well Epller winds a little turbulent and make the movement of wave, among other types of ribs.
Examples of ribs:
Source: biztechbrz.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/022512_1923_histriadode3.gif?w=640

quinta-feira, 4 de abril de 2019

The technical term for this week : Aerodynamics


This term represents the study of the air movement, particularly as interaction with a solid object, like an airplane wing.  Recent work in aerodynamics has focused on issues related to compressible flow, turbulence and boundary layers and has become increasingly computational in nature. The flight forces in an aerodynamic profile is: support, drag, weight and buoyancy.

2ª Semana

1ª Reunião dos Eagles Aerodynamics

       No dia 04 /04 foi realizada a primeira reunião da equipe Eagles Aerodynamics, para que fossem decididos o nome, o plano de trabalho e dar início nas discussões e análise de disponibilidades do grupo para as realizações das reuniões, além do questionamento de qual será o modelo de asa utilizado para confecção do nosso planador.

1St Meeting of the Eagles Aerodynamics

       On 04 /04 was carried out the first meeting the grup Eagles Aerodynamics, to be decided the name and the work plan. Also started the discussions and analyzes of the group's availability to hold meetings, beyond the question of what will be the wings model will be used in the confection of our glider.

quinta-feira, 28 de março de 2019


    Olá, caro leitor! A Eagles Aerodynamics Engenharia, composta por estudantes do curso de Engenharia Mecânica do Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC, é uma empresa iniciante no ramo de projetos de sistemas aerodinâmicos. A empresa foi criada no início de 2019 a fim de desenvolver o Projeto Integrador II da instituição. O projeto tem como objetivo principal projetar e fabricar, em materiais poliméricos ou cerâmicos, um planador de lançamento manual. Além do objetivo principal, o projeto visa a aplicação prática dos conhecimentos obtidos em sala de aula.

Legenda: Planador (Imagem meramente ilustrativa)
Fonte: pt.sammydress.com/product4180147

Os componentes da Eagles Aerodynamics

   - Caio de Araújo Gonzaga
- Felipe Augusto Santana da Silva
- Gustavo Cardoso Lopes
- João Vitor Maciel Santos Araujo
- Matheus Araújo dos Santos Caldas
-Pedro Gabriel Souza Reis de Almeida
- Rodrigo Teixeira Nogueira Cerqueira

Fonte: Própria

Coordenador do curso e orientador da equipe:

  • Prof. Dr. Guilherme Oliveira de Souza.

Corpo docente:
  • Prof. Msc. Andréa de Matos Machado – Desenho Mecânico II;
  • Prof. Msc. Luis Antônio Gonçalves Júnior – Estática;
  • Prof. Msc. Glauber Moraes – Materiais de Construção Mecânica I;
  • Prof. Msc. Pietro Pizzoferrato – Inglês Técnico.


   Hello, readers! The Eagles Aerodynamics Engineering, composed of students from the course of Mechanical Engineering of the University Center SENAI, CIMATEC is a company beginner of aerodynamic systems projects. The company was created in the beginning of 2019 in order to develop the project Integrator II of the institution. The project has as its main objective to design and manufacture, in polymeric materials or ceramics, a glider to launch manual. Besides the main objective, the project aims to the practical application of the knowledge obtained in the classroom.

The components of the Eagles Aerodynamics are:
   - Caio de Araújo Gonzaga
- Felipe Augusto Santana da Silva
- Gustavo Cardoso Lopes
- Matheus Araújo dos Santos Caldas
- João Vitor Maciel Santos Araujo
-Pedro Gabriel Souza Reis de Almeida
- Rodrigo Teixeira Nogueira Cerqueira
Source: Own

The course coordinator and team mastermind:
  • Prof. Dr. Guilherme Oliveira de Souza.

The teaching staff:

  •  Prof. Msc. Andréa de Matos Machado –Mechanical Design II;
  •  Prof. Msc. Glauber Moraes – Construction Materials Mechanical I;
  •  Prof. Msc. Luis Antônio Gonçalves Júnior – Static;
  •  Prof. Msc. Pietro Pizzoferrato – Technical English.